China Guarantees Grain Production in 2022

China Guarantees Grain Production In 2022

Recently, the Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Affairs and the Ministry of Finance have clarified the key tasks of grain production and a package of support policies in 2022, requiring all localities to go all out to ensure a bumper harvest of summer grain and wheat, do everything possible to expand soybean oil crops, and keep a close eye on the stable price and supply of agricultural materials. We will continue to do a good job in agricultural disaster prevention, mitigation and relief, and stabilize the fundamentals of agriculture, so as to provide strong support for the steady and healthy development of the economy and society.

In 2022, the central government will fully implement a package of policy measures such as subsidies, incentives, and finance.

  • The first is to steadily implement farmland protection subsidies, and implement a one-time subsidy for farmers who actually grow grains, so as to alleviate the impact of rising agricultural material prices on the increase in grain planting expenditures.
  • The second is to support the construction of 100 million mu of high-standard farmland, expand the protected planting area of ​​black land, carry out the revitalization of the seed industry, implement the subsidy policy for the purchase and application of agricultural machinery, and improve the comprehensive capacity of grain production;
  • The third is to implement subsidies for corn and soybean producers and rice subsidies, appropriately increase the minimum purchase price of rice and wheat, and effectively protect the interests of farmers in growing grain;
  • The fourth is to increase incentives for large grain-producing counties, and mobilize the enthusiasm of local governments to focus on agriculture and grain.
  • Fifth, implement the subsidy for the compound planting of corn and soybean strips to support the compatible development of soybean and corn;
  • Sixth, support the development of social service undertakings such as replacing grain and oil with agriculture, and promote cost reduction and efficiency improvement.
  • Seventh, support the construction of a number of grain and oil industrial parks and industrial clusters, and promote the integrated development of “production + processing + technology + marketing” in the grain and oil industry;
  • Eighth, increase investment in agricultural disaster prevention, mitigation and relief, support the prevention and control of major diseases and insect pests of grain crops, and do a good job in promoting wheat from weak to strong, and provide major agricultural disaster relief work in a timely manner. natural disaster;
  • The ninth is to strengthen the support of financial insurance policies, increase the subsidy ratio of grain planting insurance premiums in the central, western and northeastern regions, and realize the full cost and planting income insurance coverage of the three major grain crops in the main grain producing areas and counties in major provinces.

The two departments require that all localities should further improve their political positions, fully implement the shared responsibility of the party and the government for food security, strengthen organizational leadership, strengthen investment guarantees, pay attention to publicity and guidance, speed up the payment of funds, strengthen performance management, and fully grasp all kinds of support. The implementation of the policy will make every effort to ensure a bumper harvest of grain throughout the year.

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